Monday, April 28, 2008

Free Lunch

Over the past few weeks I've been invited to speak to a few groups about marketing, and the response has been wonderful! I won't give away too many details of the topics covered, I'd hate to ruin the surprise for you!

One thing I've noticed is that small business owners are hungry for information. They've been steering the ship alone for so long without any GPS system, and heck, without any sundial to point them in the right direction. Those tools were always just out of reach... a little too expensive.

Each Friday I'll compile a list of questions that you email me through the week and answer one of them. If you've had a question about PR, marketing or advertising and didn't know where to go to get the answer, email me. I'm sure that each question that comes in, there is another handful of people out there wondering the same thing. Start emailing, and I'll post the first Q&A this Friday morning.

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