Friday, May 2, 2008

Question of the Week: Edition 1

HAPPY FRIDAY! I recieved a great response to the question of the week with over 15 emails this week. This week's question comes from Chris Rackley:

Q: How much or how little personality should I put into my marketing copy? I want to "spruce" my stuff up, but I'm afraid it will turn away people that don't appreciate the style or flare that I give it. But if I stay "plain," I'm afraid it will be boring. Where do I draw the line?

A: What is your goal? What is your business? Let's say that you are the South Carolina Heart Center. Your demographic is a bit older and your business is pretty serious. You wouldn't want a clown working on your ticker, you would be looking for a doctor who knows his stuff and can prove it. Now, on the flip side... If you are Liquid Highway attracting a wide range of demographics but in a pretty "fun" business you can be a little more liberal with the copy. Some tongue and cheek humour, some creative writing thrown in will really make your brand stand out. In short - who are you talking to and what is the subject. Each case of writing copy is unique and be prepared to put your personality aside for the good of your brand. The heart doctor who is a bit goofy shouldn't let his copy reflect his personality.

Great question, and keep submitting. If you sent an email this past week I'll keep it on hand for a few weeks and try to go back and answer them. Remember, if I choose your question you get some pretty neat swag from the "MNR Prize Hoopty"! The answers are free and you get what you pay for!

Everyone enjoy the weekend, and remember to tune in tomorrow 10a -2p on b 93.7 where the grumpy adman plays all the hits!

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